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If you need any chemicals for the season today, or on your opening, let us know when you book your appointment and we will deliver your order to your door!!


Check out our inventory at 

The Sparkle Pool Store

     Start your summer off right and have your pool opened by a crew of professionals.  We specialize in above and semi inground pool services and pride ourselves on our superior customer service.  On the day of your opening we ask that your pool cover is cleared up from any water and debris, i.e. leaves, branches, toys.  While in your backyard we will remove your pool cover and roll it up neatly to store for the summer.  We will remove skimmer plate and ice compensator (pillow), if necessary.  We hook up your filter, heater, salt system, lights, and other accessories and can add any start up chemicals needed to get your pool ready to swim.  If you need any kind of chemicals for the season please let us know when you are booking so we can have them with us on the day of the opening.  That includes, but not limited to, shock, chlorine, algecide, hardness, sanitizer, DE, pH adjuster, and alkalinity.  Call us now to book your opening and get your pool season started! 



Filter Acid Bath


Over time, D.E. and Cartridge filters may become clogged up with algae and pool debri.  A normal rinse will work at first but after a few seasons it may take more than that to extend the life of your filter.  Sparkle Pool Service offers a filter acid bath over the winter.  We will soak your filter in acid for 24 hours and do a full filter inspection.


     With Sparkle Pool Service, your pool will be closed by a crew of pool professionals.  You can be assured that your pool will be closed properly and last throughout the winter.  If you have any issues during the winter please feel free to give a call so we can help.  On the closing, we will attach skimmer plate if needed, and put in any closing chemicals.  If you need any chemicals please let us know when your booking your closing so we can have them when we show up.  If you have an ice compensator (pillow), we will inflate and attach, and secure your winter cover.  We also have an inventory of closing supplies you can purchase on our stores website ( or we can bring on the day of your closing.  We also offer a filter cleaning service where we can take your filter with us and store it over the winter.  We thoroughly clean your filter and soak it in an acid bath for 48 hrs and return your filter on the opening.  Otherwise, we simply clean and flush your filter at the closing without the acid bath.

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